Running, gets such a bad rap at times.
A colleague in the fitness industry told me one of her clients actually told her we are not really designed to run!
WHAT?? we are not designed to run? ( or rather evolved to run) how far backwards are we becoming? 150,000 + years of evolution would tell us otherwise.
But here is where some of the problems arise.
1. We have become fixed into dysfunctional pattern of sitting for long periods on top of that the way we sit is for the most part shit. ( have been guilty of this) This can lead to injury quite quickly when running especially if you haven’t run for a while or ever and don’t spend time doing some mobility exercises.
2. Some rely on running as the sole way to lose weight and get fit . This is a big mistake .If you’ve quite a few pounds you want to drop and think you’ll just run it all off then think again. The body and joints will not enjoy the continuous impact for starters, again leading to injury. Long runs aren’t really beneficial for us with regards to hormones. There isn’t much give in concrete. There are much better ways to lose weight than ONLY running.
Stuff that gets blurted around that pisses me off a little though are these;
‘ its just boring cardio’
A 3 mile high tempo varied hilly mixed terrain run is cardio. 400 metre intervals are cardio.
A steady 10 mile plod on flat concrete is also cardio.
Cardio is a broad term so best don’t think it is just the latter or something like watching your middle aged woman on the stationary bike down the sports centre enjoying the latest homes under the hammer programme.
There are still many great things about running. you’ve just got to be a little smarter on the reasons, frequency and implications thats all.
Personally i find running fantastic for the soul and unbelievable good thinking time. i Get some great ideas while running , especially if its varied and in different environments.
It can still be a great way to lose fat, especially if done while fasted.
It’s pretty dam cheap! just invest in some quality footwear that suits the structure of your foot and do some activation work before hand.
Hey! your outside which given your type of job might not always be option!
So get out , run , just be a little mindful of why your doing it!